This page was created
for The Fetzer Institute and
The Emerald Podcast grant !
Thank you for being here.
J wanted to provide sounds/images to all the words I offered in the application.
Firstly I will share with you a live music reel from 2021-2023 -
All of this is footage from friends, taken during live performances sharing this music to bigger audiences, mostly in Western MA.
Most of these songs are on Riddles. You will also hear Annie and Travis who will be featured on the album singing 3 part harmonies !
This reel does not include my most recent 2024 autumn tour where I shared a music/storytelling poetry set !
I am hoping more folks who attended will send over footage -
Now I will share with you some recordings off Riddles! These are tape demos recorded quickly from 2021-2022 to map out the songs. I recorded these on tape and on logic, these are very much rough demos but I wanted to share full songs with you.
These are not the studio versions of these songs recorded in May-August of 2024, which are very full sounding and more grounded as I’ve been playing these songs are years now. I can share those with you if you reach out!
Tammuz/Echo/Inanna are all underworld songs and they’ve been my best tape demos thus far. I attached Ancient Grove/Spaceborn which was the last demo I did in my room on Logic Pro digitally. Thats the big turning point of the record right in the middle, as we leave the underworld.
Here are all the album lyrics !
In terms of the film,
there are many story threads woven purely into the visual film.
The story is about Orpheus journeying through many worlds meeting many mythic beings,
Firstly he meets Inanna who helps us descend to the underworld where we meet Narcisuss and Echo,
who have rich story archs. There are many criss crossing stories : Tammuz gives Orpheus mystical visions,
Tammuz falls in love with Circe (which is really a love story between Time and Eternity),
Echo receives her true name from Mnemosyne…
All the while we are exploring themes of death, rebirth, mystery, love, loss, friendship, and our true names/our essences/spirit.
If I am chosen as a finalist I can give you the whole story written out !
Until then! I hope you’ve enjoyed the seeds of my vision.
Thank you for your consideration!
It means the world to me!
Reach out if you have any questions
516 941 7196