Meditation Sessions (for Groups)
For the past 8+ years, I’ve gone into workplaces, colleges and studios equipped with my guitar and a speaker.
I make the space into a calming oasis, with gentle music as people trickle in.
I always welcome in an intention with the group. All of the mantra’s, activities, music, and visualizations are based around that intention.
Sometimes it’s about self-love, sometimes it’s bringing peace to noisy thoughts, sometimes it’s about contemplating one’s dreams…
I often curate topics based on what the organizer has expressed everyone needs.
Sometimes it’s a fun introduction to meditation class or I’m holding space for an experienced group who need little guidance.
Sometimes it’s been a stressful week at the workplace or someone has lost a loved one,
or the professor wants their students to dream up their goals and mindfully approach what stops them from achieving them.
These sessions are highly customizable and I’m always willing to try something new.
We often start with meditation where I get us all grounded and tuned inward with meditative music.
Then there is a little break where we mindfully eat some chocolate or do an activity that has a lesson behind it.
(Like once we played a game of telephone. The room was full of laughter but the lesson was understood underneath it)
Then we dive back into the meditative state, this time with a visualization journey through symbolic places
where we move through emotions and contemplate different questions about ourselves and the world.
All sessions end with a live song from my guitar and I,
to integrate all that we learned and enter back into the world anew.
Pre-Pandemic, I was going into workplaces/colleges/studios.
Now during the pandemic, I’m still holding these sessions over Zoom and it has been different but we’ve adapted :)
Compensation : on Sliding Scale
For an hour : $100-130/Hr
(Open to Exchanges/Trades to lower cost)

““I strongly recommend Nick for in house meditation, he has been coming to Farrel Corporation for almost 5 years and anyone who can relax and teach a cross section of our company ( ranging in ages from 21 to 74 and many levels of the organization) has a natural talent …. And… the peaceful vibe is felt in the hallways after his session by all. He’s a leader that gently guides you through each phase, explaining along the way. His enthusiasm is only surpassed by his genuineness.” - Diane Rodriguez, Project Planning Manager at Farrel Pomini (CT)
“You can feel Nick’s peaceful energy from a mile away. As someone who never understood what “meditating” meant, I have already learned a great deal and I am indebted to Nick for helping me meditate. He leads meditation classes with ease and welcomes everyone who comes through the door with open arms. He practices what he teaches and is truly a peaceful human being." –Stephanie Francesca, Fit Couple Cooks Youtube Channel
“Nick greets each and every person who joins for meditation with the brightest smile and open arms. You instantly feel like you’ve known him for years. The entire session is very diverse; Nick brings different forms of meditation into our practice that reminds us that you can be meditating anywhere breaking the stereotype that you must be sitting in a quiet room alone to truly meditate. Every time I attend a session I leave feeling positive, refreshed, and incredibly in-tune with my entire being. I would undoubtedly recommend these sessions to any human, young or old.” - Onna Jaeger
“His calm voice and clear words freed me to a space I’ve never been able to reach before. He changes it up, doing different variations of mediation during his sessions. One involved thinking of an inspiring phrase, writing it repeatedly for a certain amount of time in any creative pattern you would like, then folding it up and throwing them in a hat where everyone was able to pull out someone else’s phrase. It was fun being engaged in other’s state of mind for a change because you are able to consider your own aspects of life through a different point of view. You always receive a gift from Nick at the end of the session : I personally love the quote’s he writes out, many are hung upon my wall as a thought provoker for all! Much of Nick’s guidance involves being in the moment and letting go of expectation,allowing you to simply be you and appreciate what is. Values like these create such a positive environment, which is what the world needs! Whenever I am around Nick, there is no worry or judgment. His company is so natural, loving and fun.” –Clara Huebenthal
To book a session or ask a question, write me here ~ looking forward to hearing from you!